FLOuRISH Next Generation Researcher Challenging Research Program Fellowship Program
The purpose of this system is to provide students with opportunities to independently tackle research topics based on their own ideas, thereby strengthening their research capabilities and acquiring cutting-edge research skills and the ability to apply them to society. Based on these, the system aims to support the development of science and engineering innovation leaders who will have a broad perspective on business development and social implementation and contribute to society in a variety of careers in the future.
Recruitment information
The call for applications for the FLOuRISH Next Generation Researchers Challenging Research Program Fellowship Program for FY2021 has closed.
<Reference documents>
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Technology Rules and Regulations (viewable only on the campus network, Internet Explorer 11 recommended)
*For details on the implementation guidelines, please search for "Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and Technology Next Generation Researcher Challenging Research Program Fellowship Program Implementation Guidelines" from the link above.